
Hi and welcome to a small bit of internet space I’ve carved out for myself, hewn from the very completely free virtual space owned by WordPress. That’s absolutely correct; I went through all the arduous effort of filling in a simple online form and responding to an activation email. Now I have a presence of my very own (aside obviously from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Who doesn’t have those right?!) I can now bombard people with whatever inane rubbish pops into my brain. And I will, mark my words, I will. It’ll be stuff like… rants about music and movies I love and/or hate. Or possibly am ambivalent towards, yes I can even muster a rant through ambivalence. Some of it will be musings on life and other pretentiousness, and some of it will be just plain old-fashioned ridiculous waffling. Hopefully some of you will stay and read it, because hopefully some of you will realise our brains are ever so slightly aligned, and we can enjoy waffle together. If you don’t, and I don’t feel I can stress this enough, this hasn’t cost me a penny and not much time either really, so no worries eh?

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